
Below are a list of items more properly described as pamphlets or booklets rather than books, and other printed items that may be of one or a few pages. Many of the items listed were originally published as articles in magazines, and reproduced in booklet form. The “DeCasseres Books” are booklets. but have their own page.


DonMarquisCover(in order of publication) 

Sex in Inhibitia ([1925], 3 pages)

What Is a Doodle-Goof? (1926, 4 pages)

Robinson Jeffers, Tragic Terror (1928, Privately printed by John S. Mayfield)

“A Fourth Dimensional Mind” by Rudens, S. P. (?,1928. Though not written by DeC, it’s listed here because DeC published it as a booklet, and it’s about him. )

The Holy Wesleyan Empire (4 pages, 1928)

Battle of Words (?, 1931) (with Charles Fleischer)
Found only in the book Catalog of Copyright Entries. Part 1. [B] Group 2. Pamphlets, Etc.
Nothing is known about this item outside of the listing, but it appears to be associated with “Radio ….” and is probably a transcript for a talk or lecture given over the radio.

The Hit and Run Thinker (1931, seven 10″x5″ strips of paper, staple at the top)


Prelude to DeCasseres’ Magazine (?, 1932)

From Olympus to Independence Hall (1935,4 pages)

The Communist-Parasite State (1936, 10 pages)

Germans, Jews and France by Nietzsche (1935, 31 pages, Rose Publishers)

To Hell with DeCasseres! (play, 1937, 16 pages)

Don Marquis (1938)

I Am Private Enterprise ([1943],?)

Finis (1945, 20 pages)


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