$6.66 AUCTIONS: Benjamin DeCasseres, Max Stirner and more auctions starting at $6.66

The editor-in-chief of UnionOfEgoists.com and owner of Underworld Amusements has pulled a small stack of desirable new and used items from his personal collection and has listed them on ebay starting at $6.66. Every book listed is worth well more than that, some tens, some hundreds. He’s funding a secret project and you can be a part of that just by buying yourself a book.

The Unique and Its Property Max Stirner Wolfi Landstreicher Hardback #21 of 66

Occult Technology of Power #3 of 33 Ltd Edition Masonic Apron extra lapel pin

The Satanic Scriptures Peter H. Gilmore Hardback AS NEW

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Hanns Heinz Ewers Mahlon Blaine 1927 John Day

The Chameleon Benjamin DeCasseres 1922 

Benjamin DeCasseres Eugene O’Neill ANATHEMA! 1st ed. signed and #’ed 761 of 1250

Benjamin DeCasseres Eugene O’Neill ANATHEMA! 1st ed. signed and #’ed 571 of 1250

James Gibbons Huneker Benjamin DeCasseres 1925 Joseph Lawren

Max Stirner The Ego and His Own VG book Acceptable DJ Roots of the Right 1971

The Shadow Eater Benjamin DeCasseres 1923

The Shadow Eater Benjamin DeCasseres 1923 DJ Signature

The Muse of Lies Benjamin DeCasseres 1936 1st Edition

Love Letters of a Living Poet Benjamin DeCasseres 1931


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